The rise and fall of the Weimar Republic

German parliament building

The Weimar Republic, which ruled Germany from 1919 until 1933, was the first attempt at democracy in Germany after World War I. 


The first years of the Weimar Republic were marked by political instability and economic turmoil, as the country struggled to rebuild after the devastation of war.


In 1923, Germany was hit by hyperinflation, which caused prices to skyrocket and the value of the German currency to plummet.


This economic crisis was exacerbated by the global depression of 1929. As a result, many Germans became disillusioned with democracy and turned to extremist political parties, such as the Nazis and Communists, who promised to restore order and improve conditions in Germany.

German flag over parliament

Germany after WWI

The German military offensives had clearly failed by August 1918, and Generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff gave control of the German government to Chancellor Max von Baden in order to negotiate an armistice with the Allies.


As a result, Kaiser Wilhelm II was forced to abdicate on the 9th of November, 1918, and Germany was declared a republic on November 11th, 1918. 


This new government, known as the Weimar Republic, was named after the city of Weimar in Thuringia where a constitutional assembly had been convened.


A provisional government was formed to help guide the nation through the transition period.


This provisional government was made up of Social Democratic Party (SPD) members, as well as other left-wing and liberal political parties.


Additionally, the Treaty of Versailles, which ended WWI, placed harsh restrictions on Germany, including limiting the size of its army and forcing it to pay reparations to the Allied Powers.


These terms were incredibly unpopular with the German people, and many felt that their country had been unfairly punished.

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The Weimar Constitution

One of the most important aspects of the Weimar Republic was its constitution. The constitution was drafted in 1919 and came into force in August of that year.


It granted a number of rights and freedoms to the people of Germany, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and equality before the law.


This was a major step forward for German democracy, but it also created some problems.


For example, representation was based on proportional representation, meaning parties got seats in the Reichstag based on the proportion of votes they received.


The problem was that this often led to fragmented parliaments with many parties, making stable coalition governments difficult to maintain.

Friedrich Ebert became the first President of Germany. He was initially the leader of the provisional government before the Weimar Constitution was adopted.


Also, the SPD had the largest number of seats in parliament, but they did not have a majority.


As a result, they formed a coalition government with the more conservative German Democratic Party (DDP). 


This new government faced many challenges. The most pressing issue was the economic devastation that had been caused by the war. Inflation was high, and there were shortages of food and other necessities.


The government also had to deal with political extremism from both the left and the right.


These extremist groups were often involved in violence and street fighting.

German parliament building


The Weimar Republic was also marked by economic instability. Inflation soared during this period, reaching levels that were unprecedented at the time.


In 1923, inflation reached hyperinflation levels, with prices doubling every four days. This led to economic chaos and widespread poverty.


This caused immense hardship for ordinary Germans, who saw their savings disappear overnight. 


Also, the German region of the Ruhr was occupied by French and Belgian troops in 1923 after the German government failed to meet its reparation payments.


This led to a period of economic chaos, known as the hyperinflation crisis. To many Germans, who already felt like they had been unfairly treated since the end of the war, this looked like an illegal military invasion of their country. 


In this atmosphere of economic hardship and international tensions, smaller political parties who argued for that the German people should stand up to such aggression became more popular.

German money

The Dawes Plan

Gustav Stresemann became Chancellor of Germany in 1923 and began to implement a series of reforms to stabilise the economy.


One of these reforms was known as the Dawes Plan, which involved reducing reparation payments and increasing foreign loans from other countries to Germany. 


In 1924, the Dawes Plan was implemented. The plan involved loaning money from American banks to the German government so that it could make its reparation payments.


This stabilised the currency and helped to reduce inflation. 


The Dawes Plan was a major success, and it helped to restore confidence in the Weimar Republic.


It also paved the way for the Young Plan, which further reduced reparation payments and extended the timeline for repayments.


The Dawes Plan was successful in the short-term, but it did not solve all of Germany's economic problems.

The Great Depression

In October 1929, the US stock market crashed, causing a worldwide economic downturn.


This had a devastating effect on Germany, which was highly dependent on foreign loans.


As the rest of the world experienced the Great Depression over the next decade, Germany was hit particularly hard, causing widespread unemployment and poverty.


The economic crisis deepened the political divisions in Germany and further undermined support for the Weimar Republic. 

Old man counting money in his hands

The rise of extremist parties

The economic crisis of the Great Depression led to a rise in support for extremist parties, such as the Nazis and the Communists.


These parties offered simple solutions to complex problems and attracted many disillusioned Germans. 


The Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, was the most successful of these extremist parties.


The Nazis promised to restore Germany to its former glory and to rid the country of its enemies. They also blamed the Jews for Germany's problems.


The Communist Party also gained support during this period. The Communists promised to overthrow the capitalist system and create a classless society.


They also advocated for violent revolution as a means of achieving their goals.


In 1933, the Nazi Party came to power in Germany. Adolf Hitler, the Nazi leader, quickly began to implement his plans for a totalitarian dictatorship.


The Weimar Republic was over and marked the beginning of a dark chapter in German and world history with the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship.