Relative dating of historical artefacts explained


Archaeology is the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation and analysis of material remains.


Archaeologists employ a myriad of relative and absolute dating methods to establish the age or timeframe of objects unearthed from archaeological sites.

What is 'relative dating'?

Relative dating is a method that determines the chronological sequence of events or objects.


Rather than providing an exact age, it establishes if one event or object predates another.


This is achieved by analyzing various aspects and characteristics of the archaeological material.


Absolute dating, in contrast, provides an estimate of the actual age or date of an object or event.


Methods such as radiocarbon dating and dendrochronology (tree-ring dating) are used in this process.


These techniques tend to be more time-consuming and costly than relative dating methods, yet they provide more precise dates.


Stratigraphy involves studying layers of sedimentary rock or soil. If objects are found within specific layers, it can provide insights into their relative ages.


Archaeologists use the principle of superposition, which states that the oldest layer is always at the bottom, while the youngest layer is at the top.


For example, if you were looking at a cliff face, you would look for layers of sedimentary rock.


The oldest layer would be at the bottom and the youngest layer would be at the top.



Cross-dating is a relative dating method that leverages stratigraphy. It involves comparing the stratigraphy of different sites.


If two sites share the same strata sequence, they are likely to be roughly contemporaneous.


This method proves particularly useful when there are sparse material remains at an archaeological site.


Typology is a system of relative dating that classifies objects according to their type. For example, you might have a type of pottery that was popular in the early 1900s. By looking at the typology of an object, you can often determine when it was made.


Ceramic typology is particularly useful for dating archaeological sites. Ceramic typology is the study of pottery styles. This method can be used to date objects made of ceramic, such as pots or vases. This is because ceramics are often found at sites and can be easily classified according to type. 


By looking at the types of ceramics found at a site, archaeologists can often date the site to a particular period in history. This method is not always accurate, as pottery styles can change over time, but it can give you a general idea of when an object was made.

Fluorine dating

Fluorine dating is a relative dating technique used for dating bones and teeth. This method measures the concentration of fluorine, which is absorbed from the surrounding soil into animal bones and teeth over time.


A higher concentration of fluorine suggests a greater age. However, as fluorine absorption rates can vary based on local environmental conditions, fluorine dating is used more to compare relative ages of bones from the same site rather than determining an exact age.

Piltdown Man

The Piltdown Man was a hoax that was discovered in the early 20th century. The Piltdown Man was a human skull that had been tampered with to make it look like it belonged to an ape.


At the time of its initial 'find', it was hard for archaeologists to prove whether this skull was genuine or not.


However, when fluorine dating was developed in the mid-20th century, it was quickly discovered that the Piltdown Man was a hoax.


The skull had been tampered with to make it look much older than it actually was.

Famous discoveries

There are many famous archaeological discoveries that have used relative dating methods.


One of the most famous is the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were found in caves near the Dead Sea in 1947.


The scrolls were dated using a variety of methods, including radiocarbon dating and stratigraphy.


Another famous discovery is the Tomb of Tutankhamun, which was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter.


The tomb was dated using a variety of methods, including ceramic typology and fluorine dating.


Relative dating methods are crucial tools in archaeology, allowing for the chronological ordering of artifacts and archaeological features.


While they may not always yield precise dates, they offer a broad timeframe that helps archaeologists reconstruct the past.


It's also important to note that dating methods are influenced by a variety of factors such as the context in which an object was found and the prevailing environmental conditions.


Hence, it's common for multiple dating techniques to be used in conjunction to confirm findings.


To learn more about relative dating methods, numerous resources are available online and in libraries.

Further reading